St. Augustine Gothic

St. Augustine Gothic

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Squirrels get the fruit

Remember the apples from my last post? Well so did the squirrels. I have got to put up the electric fence before the tomatoes come. I am not growing a garden so that a rat with a cute tail can harvest everything.
First broccoli.

The tomato plants have grown so much in a week that I needed to get cages to start support. I've not added any fertilizer other than the compost at planting. There are at least 4 varieties, but the problem is that the tags got washed away.

The last time I saw my little green apples.

Enjoying the front porch with my boys, Buck & Paco.

This plant is interesting because the red part is actually the leaves. The flower is white. It is called a bougainvillea. They were all over Vieques.

Just love the color here.

Azaleas in full bloom.

Radar on guard

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Things are popping

We got tired of the mulch and thought it would be nice to have grass. It looked great for about a week but it just couldn't stand up to the dogs. It seems they all want to pee in the same place. Dogs are good people but they are not good for the garden.

Our garden is in full swing now. This week I planted tomatoes, two kinds of cucumbers, watermelons, beets, okra, eggplant, marigolds and lavender. This is all in the back yard. Out front Joy has been busy with the more decorative plants and herbs. Next week I'll add peppers and some other edibles to the front.

I started a lot from seeds this year under grow lights and had some sad results. I'm still hoping the peppers will be plant able and I did get several heirloom tomatoes, but most were too spindly to plant. Planting seeds is a lot riskier than buying plants, but it's also a bit more exciting. Sometimes little seeds, sprout and push leaves up the earth. Other times nothing ever appears and you just replant.

We have our first baby apples popping out. I'm sure the squirrels are already planning on eating them as soon as they are ripe.

So far one square of carrots and beets have emerged and one of each nothing has happened. I think it may be getting too late to replant since both of these do better in cooler weather.

We are still struggling to balance dogs with gardening. Keeping Radar out is always a challenge. Yes, I am a dog trainer, but catching him in the act is difficult. I'm not sure which is more of a threat- Radar or the squirrels.